Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Female Singers Dominate Top 10

What happened to all the men? This week, the Top 10 albums, with one exception, showcase the voices and attitudes of women. The Top 10 includes...

Sting, Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys, The Boss Set for Clooney Telethon

George Clooney works fast. In eight days he’s put together an all-star telethon set for this Friday on all the networks. I told you about...

Fela Fails the Celebrity Test; Sean McGinley, RIP; DJ Loves GaGa

“Fela!” got rave reviews, even at almost three hours, when it premiered last night on Broadway. But the big move to attract celebrities fizzled....

Chris Brown: Career Over?

Chris Brown copped a felony plea today in the Rihanna case, and got 5 years’ probation plus community service. It looks like he walked away...


SHARON STONE COULD BE CHANGING HER CHARITIES Is Sharon Stone getting ready to leave AmFar and her AIDS fundraising for new ventures? Last night, Stone hosted...
