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This is a surprise.
As Anna Wintour prepares for tonight's annual Met Ball aka Halloween show, finances are becoming a big problem.
According to the Metropolitan...
Is Anna Wintour's Met Gala a possible super spreader for celebrities?
According to the New York Times, two new subvariants of COVID-19 are spreading fast...
Anna Wintour's TikTok sponsored Met Ball is in trouble.
With a week to go before the spring Halloween party. Conde Nast's unionized employees are threatening...
Game on!
Broadway's biggest annual charity gala will take on Anna Wintour's Met Ball on May 1st. I'm rooting for Broadway.
The Entertainment Community Fund used...
Time for another Met Ball! Anna Wintour announced it today. Has something to do with clocks.
The annual spring Halloween party at the Metropolitan Museum...