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I thought this was wonderful celebrity karma.
Apparently, according to the tabloids, Lorenzo Lamas's 23 year old daughter is dating Leonardo Di Caprio, who is...
EXCLUSIVE Happy Birthday, Martin Scorsese. The famed director turned 80 last night in style. Leonardo DiCaprio hosted a big secret A List birthday party...
Leonardo DiCaprio has optioned Thomas Vinterberg's Oscar winning "Another Round" to make in English, and in America.
But the movie will not get made, I...
Leonardo DiCaprio's list of former friends who've been convicted of a crime keeps getting longer.
Leo's former girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, has pleaded guilty to tax...
So Jair Bolsanaro, the crazy president of Brazil, has attacked Leonardo DiCaprio and his Foundation. Bolsanaro says Leo's group is responsible for the fires...
Quentin Tarantino should beat his previous number for his biggest opening weekend.
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" brought in $11 mil on Friday night,...
Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski get the happy ending they always deserved in Quentin Tarantino's 9th movie, "Once Upon...