Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Search term: global citizen

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Michael Moore and the Vanishing Film Company– What Happened to the People Behind “Where to Invade Next”?

The Toronto Film Festival opens this week. Last year, one of the two opening night films was Michael Moore's "Where to Invade Next." You may...

Seriously: “Baywatch” Star Pamela Anderson Addresses the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia

Apparently this happens today (or happened this morning). Pamela Anderson, star of "Baywatch," ex wife of Tommy Lee and Kid Rock, gave a speech...

“Spider Man” Actor Andrew Garfield Got Himself Fired from Series by Insulting Sony Chief

Thanks to the Sony hacks, via Wikileaks, we now know why Andrew Garfield won't be making any more "Spider Man" movies-- or maybe any...

Sundance 2014 So Far: John Slattery Director Debut, “SNL” Hader & Wiig as Siblings

Here the announced films so far for Sundance 2014. John Slattery has his directorial debut. "SNL" stars Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig are aiblings....

Marc Rich Did Business With US Enemies from the US Despite Being a Fugitive

Did Marc Rich even need a pardon? He did business in the United States with our enemies and banned countries. And he did it...

Jon Bon Jovi, Steve Jobs’ Wife Appointed to White House Council

Jon Bon Jovi, whom I know very well and admire, and Laurene Powell Jobs, whose husband gave us the IPad, have been appointed to...
