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Remember that salon-cocktail party scheduled for tomorrow at Anne Archer's house in Hollywood? Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy Jr,...
Sunday brought the amFAR travesty to the Venice Film Festival.
amFAR, whose purpose and finances have been questioned over and over, had trouble getting celebrities.
Maybe the end of amFAR is near.
The AIDS fundraising group announced on Friday that Thursday's annual Cannes Eurotrash gathering raised $16 million. In the...
Tom Cruise's church of Scientology is invoking Hitler for a new staff recruitment video.
Thanks to Tony Ortega's Underground Bunker, we know that Scientology thinks...
Despite Leah Remini's best efforts, Hollywood Scientologists are not getting the message: it's a cult, it's dangerous, and vindictive.
Now comes news that a group...