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Jhene Aiko is really wonderful. She hosted most of this show and did a wonderful job. We're not appreciating her enough. Bravo!
Jimmy Jam Harris...
After being basically abandoned, Destin Daniel Cretton's excellent film, "Just Mercy" won Best Picture and Best Ensemble, rightly so, at last night's NAACP's Image...
Daytime Emmys voting begins in earnest with pre-nominations. The actors send in reels that are evaluated by committees. They winnow down the names to...
Before You Know It / U.S.A. (Director: Hannah Pearl Utt, Screenwriters: Hannah Pearl Utt, Jen Tullock, Producers: Mallory Schwartz, Josh Hetzler, James...
Joely Fisher, an actress/singer (“Ellen” “Til Death” “Last Man Standing,” is true child of Hollywood. Her late father was the singer Eddie Fisher and...