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Carly Simon ’s dad, Richard Simon , was the co-founder of publishing giant Simon & Schuster (like you didn’t know that). One of Simon’s famous successes was editing and publishing a book by famed Latvian photographer Phillippe Halsman called The Jump Book.” It featured pictures of the great celebs of the day–from Marilyn Monroe t0 Danny Kaye to Richard Nixon, Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin –all, well… jumping
The 2022 Cannes line up has been announced.
There's no David Lynch film but plenty of familiar names among directors including David Cronenberg, the...
The poor Friars Club. Once legendary, they are now desperate. One of the Club's leaders, Marvin Scott, erstwhile sometime anchor on New York's Channel...
Joaquin Phoenix received cheers and a standing ovation tonight in Toronto for his starring performance as the "Joker." Todd Phillips' origin...