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Leonardo DiCaprio's Presidential er Oscar campaign is in full force.
Gone are the model girlfriends. Also gone is Helly Nahmad, Leo's BFF art dealer pal...
Advance screenings of Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu's epic "The Revenant," starring Leonardo DiCaprio, are producing all kinds of reactions, all wildly favorable, albeit with caveats.
There's an embargo until December 4th on reviewing Alejandro Innaritu's "The Revenant." The film stars Leonardo Di Caprio, Tom Hardy, and Domhnall Gleason. It's...
It doesn't sound very exciting. But Leonardo diCaprio is going to produce a movie for Paramount about the current Volkswagen diesel scandal. I think...
Big headlines: Leonardo DiCaprio's private foundation raised $40 million for environmental causes ast night in St. Tropez. Lots of big stars were on hand,...