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keep refreshing...
Grammy nominations are in for the big categories, announced by Alicia Keys on CBS This Morning. Taylor Swift is going to win everything,...
This week Janet Jackson's "Unbreakable" album only dropped 3% since last week and sold 18,888 copies according to hitsdailydouble.
That's a marked change from the...
UPDATED with better math, but still maybe the biggest drop since before Madonna.
Janet Jackson-- what have we done for her lately? Her "Unbreakable"...
"Straight Outta Compton" heads to $100 million this weekend, a real phenom at the box office.
So what's next?
"Tupac," the long in the planning, complicated...
I'm late to the "Fifty Shades" news today-- James Foley is directing "Fifty Shades Darker." He's probably directing "Fifty Shades Freed." Foley's name appeared...