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Liza Minnelli is perhaps the last great tragic show biz survivor. Even more than perpetually ill Liz Taylor.
You'd think, especially with the release of...
The Kennedy Center Honors has turned into the Grammy Awards.
They're inducting Queen Latifah, Dionne Warwick, Barry Gibb, Renee Fleming. And Billy Crystal, a...
Friday night on Broadway: Liza Minnelli and pal Michael Feinstein visited Valerie Harper backstage after one of her last performances in the play, “Looped.”...
Producers are so about "Cabaret" returning to Broadway it's getting not one but two opening nights.
Oscar and Tony winner Eddie Redmayne reprises his Olivier...
Few people probably recognize the name Julian Schlossberg. But in New York, and Hollywood, he's been the secret ingredient in dozens of successful Broadway...