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Kanye west has placed his single, "Vultures," on all the streaming channels -- and they approve of it, apparently.
The main offending couplet in "Vultures"...
Kanye West took a sample from Ozzy Osbourne for his new, unreleased album called "Vultures" without getting it cleared.
Osbourne is furious. He denied Kanye...
It does seem like Kanye West, avowed antisemite and Hitler lover, is dropping an album tonight.
It's called "Vultures." The video is out from director...
Kanye West, the world's most infamous antisemite, has dropped a trailer for his "Vultures" project.
The film was made by a Montreal artist named Jon...
Who are the real "Vultures" here?
Kanye West, noted antisemite, has dropped a new album called "Vultures" on YouTube.
The album features appearances by Nicki...
Adidas has a new antisemitism problem following Kanye West's massive scandal from last year.
A Twitter account called @Stopantisemitism has uncovered a violent from an...