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The New York Times now reports that Madonna's Kabbalah-front charity, Raising Malawi, is a financial mess. That's nice. I've written about this so many...
At first I thought every one was being "punked."
But it does seem like Lady GaGa--aka Stephanie Germanotta--has ripped off Madonna's hit song, "Vogue," for...
In Madonna's upcoming film, "W.E." history is going to take a back seat to fantasy.
According to 29 year old british actress Andrea Riseborough, the...
Madonna--perhaps in the middle of editing her feature film, "W.E"--surprised the Hamptons Film Festival audience and went to see Darren Aronofsky's "Black Swan" Sunday...
Oscar Isaac, the hot star of Madonna's highly anticipated "W.E.," is joining the cast of "Drive."
"Drive" stars Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, and...
Perez Hilton isn't exactly known for his accurate reporting. Maybe his advertisers should start realizing this.
Anyway, Hilton announced on his site that Madonna was...