
Showbiz 411 is a primary news source for Entertainment Industry professionals and influencers. With contributions from veteran journalists, industry leaders, and young Hollywood thought leaders, Showbiz411 provides the insider story. Under the guidance of co-founder, Roger Friedman, Showbiz411 spun out from the The Hollywood Reporter to host insider conversations and publish entertainment news with high journalistic integrity. Showbiz411 is the source to discover the exclusive breaking stories driving the industry’s most important conversations.

Showbiz411.com is an independent entertainment site.

Showbiz411 is looking to expand our network of online contributors. If you’re ‘in the know’ on breaking entertainment news and would like to be a frequent columnist on ShowBiz411.com please email contributors@showbiz411.com for more details.

Showbiz411 Staff:

Roger Friedman: Editor-In-Chief
Friedman created and wrote the Fox411 column on Foxnews.com for ten years, from 1999 to 2009, where he broke stories about Michael Jackson and many other celebrities including Rosie O’Donnell, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Anna Nicole Smith, Britney Spears, among others. Friedman’s long history in celebrity journalism includes writing the “Intelligencer” column at New York magazine, where was considered the “expert” on OJ Simpson, and editing the now legendary Fame magazine, where he wrote cover stories on Paul McCartney, Whitney Houston, Paloma Picasso, Carly Simon, and dozens of other stars. His articles have appeared in Vogue, The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Redbook, US Weekly, Premiere, the Washington Post, and many other publications.