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Eric Clapton made a big mistake recording Van Morrison's "Stand and Deliver" song.
The anti-lockdown anthem was met with apathy, if not disgust, upon its...
Mark Cuban is endorsing Joe Biden despite his performance in the debate last night.
Cuban isn't stupid. He's a billionaire, and knows what he's doing,...
I'm sure you haven't been to the National Enquirer website lately.
But while owner and editor David Pecker testifies about his fealty to Donald Trump,...
Morning roundup:
"Saltburn" is coming to Amazon Prime on December 22nd. Emerald Fennell's wild ride of a "Bridehead Revisited" update -- as if Charles...
The movie world is counting down to July 21st. That's when Universal Pictures opens Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer" and Warner Bros. delivers Greta Gerwig's "Barbie"...
If you rebuild it, will they come?
The Intercontinental Hotel Group spent a bloody fortune to renovate Cannes's centerpiece, The Carlton Hotel. I was a...