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It was 2011 when MDA, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, committed fundraising suicide. They ousted their standard bearer, Jerry Lewis, and instigated the end of...
Exclusive The Friars Club-- under investigation and on the heels of a settled sex harassment lawsuit--will induct new or old officers on Thursday night....
MDA Muscular Dystrophy really likes Jerry Lewis now-- now that he's dead.
All weekend long they've been exploiting his image and his history with MDA...
Jerry Lewis turned 86 yesterday and got quite a nice birthday party from the Friars Club. Richard Belzer interviewed him last night...
from October 2015:
Jerry Lewis, Legend with a capital L, was interviewed for one hour by Oscar winning director Martin Scorsese at the wonderful Museum...
There's no Jerry Lewis telethon today. There hasn't been one since 2011. And every year since then, MDA-- the Muscular Dystrophy Association-- has lost...
Lots of excitement yesterday. Footage of Jerry Lewis's "The Day The Clown Cried" surfaced on YouTube.
People have short memories. This happened three years ago,...